
Lattice is our purse with a built-in wallet. If you don’t need to carry a lot but you have more than your pockets can handle, a purse with a built-in wallet could be your organizational dream come true. It can perfectly accommodate some bills, a phone, and keys. On top of that, it easily fits any handbag or laptop bag.

We personally select the leather with our partners from eastern Spain, a region with a long tradition of leather manufacture, and learn where all materials come from. Our accessories are handmade in the Slovak mountains, each one of them crafted with love by experienced artisans who devoted their career to this art.





  • Height     12 cm
  • Width      23 cm
  • Depth      2.5 cm



  • EU: approx. 4 to 6 business days
  • Worldwide: From 6 business days (depending on the region)


Our values and sustainability efforts